
来源: 日期:2019-12-02 发布人:admin
  Glucose can be divided into monohydrate glucose and anhydrous glucose according to different manufacturing processes. But what's the difference between them? What is the production structure and process? Let's take a look at it
  Glucose monohydrate: a product containing a clean water, which is made from starch or starch, through liquefying, saccharifying, refining, concentrating and cooling crystallization.
  Anhydrous glucose: the product is made from starch or starch by liquefying, saccharifying, refining, concentrating and evaporating crystallization.
  Glucose monohydrate is the difference in water content between glucose monohydrate and anhydrous glucose, and the difference in water content between them is about 8 points.
  Glucose monohydrate is divided into food grade glucose and pharmaceutical grade glucose.
  1) food grade glucose is mainly used in food processing industry and vegetable preservation industry.
  2) sorbitol can be produced by hydrogenation of glucose monohydrate.
  3) medical grade monohydrate glucose is mainly used as the raw (auxiliary) material of oral medicine.
  4) anhydrous glucose can be produced by continuous processing of crystalline glucose in one water.
  What is anhydrous glucose?
  Anhydrous glucose is an organic compound, that is, glucose without crystal water. It is colorless crystalline or white crystalline powder, odorless and sweet. Soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol.
  Anhydrous glucose is a nutritional drug, which can be used to make glucose injection, glucose sodium chloride injection, compound sodium lactate glucose injection and other drugs.
  The difference between the two is that glucose monohydrate has a cool taste, which is a white powder with luster, while anhydrous glucose has a low cool degree and a high sweetness, which is a white powder, and its luster is not as high as that of water monohydrate.

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