
来源: 日期:2021-06-28 发布人:admin
Many health products and medical drugs will produce certain side effects in the process of long-term consumption, which is not good for our health. Glucose is a kind of health care products, which can provide us with some nutrients needed by the body. It is also a kind of medicine, which can be used to treat many diseases, so it also has certain side effects. The details are as follows.
1. Eating more glucose in water may lead to diabetes. It can not be taken every day. If the substance is replenish every day, it will probably affect the digestion and absorption of food because of excessive intake. Therefore, we should be light in diet, avoid spicy, cold, greasy, fried food, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, reduce the number of staying up late, develop good living habits, go to bed early and get up early, and strengthen physical exercise.
It is an important nutrient and one of the main sources of heat in human body. Every gram of glucose can produce 4kcal (16.7kj) heat energy. Although 5% glucose solution is isotonic solution, it is rapidly oxidized into carbon dioxide and water. It can be mainly used to supplement water and sugar, rather than to expand capacity. More than 25% hypertonic glucose was given intravenously. Glucose is the main source of energy required by the body. It can be oxidized into carbon dioxide and water in the body and supply heat at the same time, or stored in the form of glycogen, which can promote the detoxification function of the liver and protect the liver.
2. Glucose is easily absorbed into the blood, so it is often used as a powerful and fast energy supplement by medical staff, sports enthusiasts and ordinary people. It can strengthen memory, stimulate calcium absorption and increase intercellular communication. But too much increases insulin levels, leading to obesity and diabetes: too little can cause hypoglycemia or worse, insulin shock (diabetic coma).
Glucose is important for brain function. Its metabolism is disturbed by the following factors: depression, manic depression, anorexia and gluttony. Alzheimer's patients record lower concentrations than other brain disorders, resulting in stroke or other vascular diseases. The researchers found that a dietary supplement of 75 grams of glucose increased memory test scores. When it is absorbed into liver cells, it will reduce the secretion of liver sugar, resulting in muscle and fat cells to increase its absorption. Excess blood glucose is converted into fatty acids and triglycerides in the liver and adipose tissue.
To sum up, the side effects of water glucose are mainly manifested in the fact that it can lead to diabetes, which is also harmful to the human body. After all, it will cause a great deal of trouble to a person's normal life. This also tells us that we should pay attention to the reasonable intake of any nutritive substance to ensure our health.

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