
来源: 日期:2021-06-10 发布人:admin
Glucose starch has many applications in our daily table. It can improve the taste of food and make it more delicious. It is usually extracted from starch containing substances such as corn, sweet potato, wild acorn and pueraria. There are some differences between starches made from different raw materials, so how can we distinguish between corn starch and common starch? The details are as follows.
1. Through the appearance, we can directly judge that the ordinary starch is white, odorless and tasteless powder; Corn starch is white and light yellow powder.
2. Take the same amount of corn starch and ordinary starch, add the same amount of water, stir with chopsticks, you will find that ordinary starch is more sticky.
3. Under the same weight, corn starch is more expensive.
The above is the distinction between corn starch and common starch can refer to the three aspects, also can let us have a further understanding of starch. Corn itself is a very nutritious food, and it will be more nutritious after it is made into starch. Therefore, we must make good use of this kind of products correctly and reasonably, and make it play a better role.

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