
来源: 日期:2021-02-16 发布人:admin
Glucose is a kind of basic nutrients that the human body needs to intake. It plays an important role in the metabolism of organisms. However, the more the amount of glucose, the better. When the content of glucose is high in the human body, it will cause fatigue and dizziness, which is very unhealthy and not conducive to maintaining healthy body. So the following small series to introduce the prevention of high glucose intake skills.
1. Eat less and eat more. It can not only ensure the supply of heat and nutrition, but also avoid the peak of postprandial blood glucose.
2. Carbohydrate food should be eaten according to regulations, not less or more, but evenly.
3. There is no difference between sweets and salty snacks, which can cause blood sugar rise.
4. Vegetables with starch as the main component should be included in the amount of staple food. These vegetables are potato, sweet potato, lotus root, yam, water chestnut, taro, lily, water chestnut, arrowhead, etc.
5. In addition to soybeans, beans such as adzuki bean, mung bean, broad bean, kidney bean and pea are mainly composed of starch, so they should also be counted as staple food. Can not use peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts and other hard fruit food to satisfy hunger.
The above is a variety of skills to prevent high glucose intake, I believe it will let you have more knowledge about healthy glucose intake, so that you can keep your health in a better way in the process of follow-up use. In addition, we need to realize that high glucose is not diabetes, but diabetes patients will have this symptom. For more information, please click anhydrous glucose .

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