
来源: 日期:2021-03-08 发布人:admin
培菌工业葡萄糖是以优良淀粉或大米经为质料,经淀粉酶液化、葡萄糖酶糖化精制浓缩而成的块状葡萄糖,将块状葡萄糖切削后单调成葡萄糖粉,又称工业糖粉或工业级葡萄糖粉。白色粉状固体,微生物发酵、污水处理等工作。培菌工业葡萄糖是葡萄糖中的一种,它的由来是非常独特的,液体葡萄糖由淀粉不完全酸水解或不完全酶水解制的,淀粉糖浆按DE值的不同可分为高、中、低转化糖浆,习惯上将 DE值为30左右的转化糖浆称为液体葡萄糖,其中DE值4248的液体葡萄糖在工业中用途广,那么在水处理、化工、皮革等工业中应用较大。
The industrial glucose for culturing bacteria is a kind of massive glucose, which is made of fine starch or rice as raw material and refined and concentrated by amylase liquefaction and glucoamylase saccharification. After the massive glucose is cut into glucose powder, it is also called industrial sugar powder or industrial grade glucose powder. White powdery solid, microbial fermentation, sewage treatment, etc. Industrial glucose is a kind of glucose, its origin is very unique, liquid glucose is made by incomplete acid hydrolysis or incomplete enzyme hydrolysis of starch, starch syrup can be divided into high, medium and low conversion syrup according to the different de value, it is customary to use The conversion syrup with DE value of about 30 is called liquid glucose, and the liquid glucose with DE value of 4248 is widely used in industry, so it is widely used in water treatment, chemical industry, leather and other industries.
1. Temperature: temperature is the primary environmental factor affecting the whole process disposal, and all kinds of microorganisms grow at a specific temperature. The temperature scale of biochemical treatment is 10 ~ 40 ℃, and the suitable temperature is 20 ~ 30 ℃. Any microorganism can only survive in a certain temperature scale, and can grow and multiply in a suitable temperature scale. During the cultivation of sludge, the special glucose for sewage treatment should be placed under suitable temperature conditions to make the microorganism grow at a fast growth rate. Too low or too high temperature will make the metabolism rate slow and the growth rate slow. Too high temperature has a lethal effect on the microorganism.
2. PH value: the life activities and material metabolism of microorganisms are closely related to pH value. Most bacteria and protozoa have pH 6.5-7.5, and grow and reproduce in this environment. Their habit scale of pH is 4-10. In the aeration system of wastewater treatment by activated sludge process, as the main body of activated sludge, bacteria micelles can produce more viscous substances and form outstanding flocs at pH value of 6.5-8.5.
3. Nutrient substances: microorganisms in wastewater should continuously absorb nutrient substances. Glucose for wastewater treatment can degrade disordered high molecular substances or high-energy compounds into simple low molecular substances or low-energy compounds through catabolism (dissimilation effect). Glucose for wastewater treatment can release energy; After metabolizing (assimilating effect), the energy and material supplied by catabolism are used to transform into its own cellular material, and the metabolic wastes are excreted to the body together. Water, carbon source, nitrogen source, inorganic salt and growth factors are the conditions for microbial growth. The proportion of BOD5 ∶ n ∶ P = 100 ∶ 5 ∶ 1 should be used to make up for the nitrogen source and phosphorus containing inorganic salt in the wastewater. Glucose for wastewater treatment is an excellent nutrient condition for the cultivation of activated sludge.
4. SS: there are a lot of suspended substances in the sewage. After pretreatment, most of the suspended substances have been removed, but some of them can not be degraded. The aeration will form a scum layer, but it will not affect the sewage disposal of the system.
5. Do: aerobic biochemical bacteria are aerobic. There are two effects of oxygen on aerobic microorganisms: 1) oxygen is the end electron acceptor in respiration; 2) oxygen is required in the biological composition of alcohols and unsaturated fatty acids. And as long as the dissolved oxygen in water (called dissolved oxygen) can be used by microorganisms.
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