
来源: 日期:2021-07-12 发布人:admin
Most people's understanding of glucose is liquid, but its properties also have powder appearance, but in the use of glucose powder, good storage conditions are very important, so in order to ensure the use of glucose powder, the next storage conditions are introduced.
1.储存葡萄糖粉时,请注意储存库中的很低温度变化。 在不易受潮的地方,葡萄糖粉与水或其他液体接触时很容易结块。 使用原包装或密闭容器;
1. When storing glucose powder, please pay attention to the very low temperature change in the storage. In the place not easily affected by moisture, glucose powder is easy to agglomerate when it comes into contact with water or other liquids. Use the original package or closed container;
2. Under normal circumstances, glucose powder will not cause injury, but necessary measures must be taken to avoid contact with human skin and eyes, thus causing accidental injury;
3.葡萄糖粉是一种白色粉末和颗粒。 粒状无尘,高润湿性,高反应活性,高密度和细度,因此操作人员须格外小心。
3. Glucose powder is a kind of white powder and granule. Dust free, high wettability, high reactivity, high density and fineness, so operators should be very careful.
In short, in order to ensure the use of glucose powder and reduce waste, special attention should be paid to the storage, and the operation should follow the relevant knowledge provided above, so as to meet the needs of products and reduce waste.

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