
来源: 日期:2019-12-23 发布人:admin
  Maltodextrin is a widely used but little known food additive. So you need to know what it is and whether it's harmful. Is maltodextrin "natural"? Food labels are "natural" and may be deceptive. Maltodextrin is no exception. This is extracted from plants. Generally speaking, maltodextrin comes from corn, rice and potato starch.
  It can also be made from wheat. Starch is boiled and further broken down by adding acids or enzymes to produce a white powder. The food and drug administration says it is safe for the food and drug administration to approve maltodextrin as a safe food additive. It has no taste. Some sources claim that maltodextrin is sweet, but that's because it's used in combination with artificial sweeteners. If used alone, it will be a little sweet.
  Maltodextrin can be found in many foods as a thickener or filler because it is relatively cheap. You can see it on the label of the following products: fruit canned dessert instant pudding and gelatin sauce salad sauce fast food beverage powder some sugar substitutes you will also find this starch additive in personal care products, such as lotion and hair care products.
  It may have a negative effect on your gut bacteria several studies have shown that maltodextrin produces "good bacteria" that inhibit the digestive system. This can lead to the consumption of a large number of additives and the risk of infection with bacteria such as Salmonella or Escherichia coli. This affects your blood sugar maltodextrin is a slightly sweet carbohydrate that affects your blood sugar. This is an important thing for diabetics to remember.

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