
来源: 日期:2021-06-02 发布人:admin
There are many differences between different types of the same substance, not to mention the substances with similar names but not belonging to the same category, so there will be more differences. In the previous study, we have a preliminary understanding of the production process and characteristics of fructose syrup. Now, let's make a further understanding through the difference between fructose syrup and glucose syrup.
1. Fructose syrup is an important sweetener, which is made from hydrolysis and isomerization of plant starch. The production of fructose glucose syrup is not limited by region and season. The equipment is simple and the investment cost is low. It is mainly composed of fructose and glucose; So it is called "fructose syrup".
Colorless viscous liquid, good fluidity at room temperature, odorless. Fructose syrup is mainly composed of glucose and fructose. According to fructose content, fructose syrup can be divided into three categories: the first generation is fructose syrup (F42 type), which contains 42% fructose; The second generation is fructose syrup (F55 type), which contains 55% fructose; The third generation is fructose syrup (f90 type), which contains 90% fructose. There is a positive correlation between the sweetness of fructose syrup and fructose content. The third generation fructose syrup can reach a certain sweetness by using a small amount in food.
2. Glucose syrup is a kind of starch syrup produced by the action of enzyme or acid with starch as raw material. Its main components are glucose, maltose, maltotriose, maltotriose and above. Also known as liquid glucose, glucose syrup.
Also known as dextrose. A monosaccharide, hexose, containing an aldehyde group. The solid state is white crystal, soluble in water, slightly sweet, with optical rotation, and the optical rotation of its aqueous solution is to the right. It is a component of some disaccharides (such as sucrose, maltose, etc.) and polysaccharides (such as starch, cellulose, etc.). Glucose syrup is made by hydrolysis of starch. In 1960s, glucose was produced by microbial enzymatic method. This is a great innovation and has obvious advantages over acid hydrolysis. In the production, the raw materials need not be refined, the acid resistant and pressure resistant equipment are not needed, and the sugar liquid has no bitter taste, and the sugar yield is high. In food industry, glucose can be processed by isomerase to produce fructose, especially fructose syrup which contains 42% fructose. Its sweetness is the same as sucrose. It has become an important product in sugar industry.
The above is the difference between the two substances in many aspects. However, we should mainly understand that fructose syrup is starch sugar crystal, a sweetener, and glucose syrup is starch syrup. Their functions are different. Therefore, when we choose to use them, we must understand their functions in advance.

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